by bank
You can transfer a donation to our following account:
Bank: BAWAG P.S.K.
Recipient: Verein beginningwell (“Verein” means non-profit association)
IBAN: AT89 1400 0015 1092 4300
Information about writing your donation off against tax can be found under Frequently asked questions.
We are most grateful for your kind donation that helps us to further develop beginning well for as many parents and children as possible.
Why are
Development work until “going live”
The development and conception of beginning well: articles and graphic design, creating film and photo material, editing and technical implementation among other things have been made possible by the initiators’ voluntary work and donations.
Further development
We rely upon donations for the maintenance and further development of beginning well. They are needed for: technology (server, maintenance, development), management (e.g. public relations work, fund-raising, administration, further international development), editing, production of film and photo material, maintaining the forum (which should enable an exchange of ideas and experiences between parents and specialists and possibly also individual online advice), translation into English and other languages.
Our aim is that as many people as possible can benefit from the ideas presented here. We therefore consciously decided not to charge for use of the site. We also do not take product advertising that we consider inappropriate for the context. Knowledge should be freely available everywhere for everybody.
People who support beginning well have the common aim to create the best possible preconditions for the mental, emotional and physical development of children.
We trust that people for whom the content of beginning well is important will donate as they see fit. You can help us to keep this project going for the benefit of as many children and parents as possible.
Our heartfelt thanks for your support,
Pia Dögl, Elke Maria Rischke, Ute Strub
(Founders of beginning well)
Visit us on our beginning well YouTube Channel
and on Facebook at:
Like and share with friends and family.
How is beginning well organized?
The website www.beginningwell.org is provided by the non-profit association beginningwell – wertschätzender Umgang mit dem Säugling und Kleinkind (empathy and respectful care with babies and toddlers) with its registered office in Vienna, Austria. Those working for beginning well are volunteers or freelance.
Can donations be written off against tax? ?
Donations to the non-profit association beginningwell – wertschätzender Umgang mit dem Säugling und Kleinkind (empathy and respectful care with babies and toddlers) can unfortunately not currently be written off against tax. We would be pleased to inform you if the situation changes insofar as we have your contact details.
In Austria the laws on tax deductibility of donations are very restrictive and in general only research and educational institutions are covered. More information can be found here…
Are my personal details safe?
We only use your personal data to process your donation and – if requested – to inform you about our work. Please also see our information on Data protection of donors’ personal information. Read more …
We use your data exclusively for internal purposes. This information shall neither be sold, leased nor passed on to other organizations in any form nor sold to companies for commercial purposes nor made accessible to any third parties.
Who can I contact with other questions?
If you have further questions, we would be pleased to receive an email at: info@beginningwell.org
Our postal address can be found under Contact.
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